Saturday 8 March 2014

Research reveals Nigerians’ preference for unique products

Global market research company, Nielsen, has said that its study of the consumer behavior in Nigeria revealed that consumers in the country preferred products with unique traits.

The Country Manager, Nielsen, Mr. Harshvardan Sarda, while sharing some of these market insights to clients during Nielsen Client Insight Event 2014 in Lagos, said that a typical Nigerian consumer would want to stand out and keep with the trend just as he expects the products he is willing to buy to be fairly common and available.

According to him, Nigerians go after affordable and available products. But beyond availability of products, Sarda said there is a whole lot more that is unique to Nigerian consumers.

He explained, “They want products that are made for them. They don’t want something that is being adapted from somewhere else. Nigerians like products which are unique to them and which meet their needs but at the same time must be products with good quality, value, fashionable and trendy, that really meet their needs”.

Sarda added that 40 per cent of Nigerians spend their income on consumer goods which makes it possible for growth for brands even as he revealed that the 50 per cent of the Nigerian population which are youth positions Nigeria as a country with high possibilities of trying new products.

The youth population, according to him, is educated, mobile and any serious brand targeting the youth should have presence on the social media to connect with the youth.

The Executive Director Marketing and Communication, Africa and Middle East, Nielsen, Ms. Alisa Wingfield, explained the purpose of the get together with clients, saying, “We should be able to show our plans for Nigeria, the potentials for achieving a successful brand, there is more to achieving success and you can do that by showing insight of what consumers want.

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