Sunday 9 March 2014

Health benefits of morning intercourse

What is the best cardio workout in the morning? According to Queen’s University in Belfast, three rounds of morning sex a day will give you a healthy heart. Intrigued? Here’s a list for the health benefits of morning sex…

• Improves blood circulation therefore reducing blood pressure.

• Flushes out 300 calories an hour, reducing your chances of diabetes.

• You don’t have to worry about migraine.

• Joint pains, especially arthritis, will ease.

• Sex without condoms will leave you happier and ward off depression.

• Natural glow is what we are looking for; this could be your answer.

• The release of hormones guarantees silky, shining hair.

• Sexual anxiety takes a back seat, nothing can bring you down.

• Improves your immunity by increasing the production of antibody IgA.

• Men can last longer, since they’re fresh from a night’s rest.

• A great way to wake up and energise yourself.

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