Thursday 6 March 2014

Endometriosis: Tackle that menstrual pain

When Ada’s teacher noticed that she had missed two classes of Biology in a row that week, she did not see it as something to worry about. She already knew that her studious student would be in the school’s sick bay.

Ada always had very painful menstrual periods. Her friends pitied her and her guardians reassured her that it would get better as she grew older, but it actually got worse every month.

 If not for the understanding of her college supervisor, Ada would have missed three papers in her final examinations due to the condition.

However, when she started working, her employers were not as lenient as her lecturers. In fact, her constant absence from work on specific days of the month due to the painful menstrual cramps she experienced almost cost her her first job with a multinational auditing firm in Lagos.

It was at this juncture that Ada realised that this condition could cost her much more than she had imagined and decided to get help.

After several visits to a gynaecologist, the 23-year- old accountant was diagnosed with endometriosis.

Endometriosis, a female gynaecological disorder, affects 176 million women and girls worldwide during what should be the most promising years of their lives.

Experts estimate that the world loses at least $100bn annually to the effects of this disorder alone.

Endometriosis does not only affect the woman or girl, it could also affect her relationship with her family, employers, colleagues, friends, teachers, and loved ones.

Endometriosis, according to consultant gynaecologist and fertility expert, Dr. Abayomi Ajayi, is a serious female reproductive disorder which occurs when the endometrial lining of the uterus spreads into the pelvic cavity, implanting itself on the pelvic structures, causing inflammation and pain.

Ajayi says these processes going on in and out of the endometrial lining cause either mild or very severe pains which could last for days, causing discomfort and cramps in the pelvic region and lower abdomen.

Other symptoms of endometriosis — apart from painful menstrual periods which cannot be relieved with the typical over-the-counter pain medications — include irregular periods, pelvic pain, or difficulty conceiving.

He states that when not detected and left untreated, endometriosis can lead to chronic pelvic pain, infertility, and disability in affected persons.

As obvious as the symptoms of this conditions are, many do not know they have it, even when it makes their lives a living hell.

 Ajayi, who is also the Executive Director, Endometriosis Support Group Nigeria, notes that there is the need to raise awareness on the symptoms of the disorder among women, so that those who are affected can seek medical treatment, care and support to reduce the frustrations that come with the condition.

According to him, many women with the disorder are often diagnosed after several years; but in developing countries like Nigeria, many cases are either misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all.

He adds that even when detected, many women do not get proper treatment.

Ajayi says, “Even in developed countries, a woman may have suffered from the condition for up to eight years before she gets a proper diagnosis.

“In Africa, the situation is worse, because very little is known about the condition. Therefore, a lot of women living with it without ever being diagnosed, as the condition was believed not to be common among blacks before now. However, over the years, it has been discovered that no race is left out of this excruciating ordeal.”

He adds that like many other disorders, endometriosis can be a chronic condition, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe

Many ladies can relate with the pains that come in the early hours of the monthly flow, but when it goes on for days, experts say you should seek help from professionals, as endometriosis could lead to infertility among women of reproductive ages.

Ajayi states, “It is a common condition that occurs in 5-10 per cent of women within reproductive age group (15-44 years) worldwide. Women with this condition have 20 per cent less chances of having children. This is why we should draw attention to the fact that early diagnosis and treatment is key to your being cured of this condition.”

Have you been having painful menstrual period since your teens and you want to march forward this month? Please visit a specialist for proper diagnosis.

For many living knowingly or unknowingly with this disorder, the month of March has been designated as the endometriosis month globally; to raise awareness on the need for you to get treated or help someone living with this condition get help.

No one outgrows this condition; and it can only be treated medically.

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